what coffee brands work best for an espresso machine?
A wonderful article by Mary K. Cahill over at the Takeout where she tests out 10 different coffee brands to find out which one works best on an espresso machine....
A wonderful article by Mary K. Cahill over at the Takeout where she tests out 10 different coffee brands to find out which one works best on an espresso machine....
What Is Cold Brew? The first thing you should know about cold brew is implied in the name: There’s no hot water involved. Instead, you’re using steeping coarsely ground coffee in room...
At happy®, we believe every sip should be a little moment of bliss. We admit it, we think coffee is pure magic…and if you’re reading this, we’re guessing you feel...
we’re donating 100% of revenue from sales of any product at happyproducts.com for giving Tuesday - * That’s right, revenue - not profits or proceeds. Every penny you spend on...
Medium Roast Coffee: LAB RESULTS: Many testers tasted notes of berry, citrus and fruit. One of our expert coffee tasters described the coffee as “very fruity, acidic and bright” and added,...
Companies are selling sunscreen in whipped-cream cans, water in tallboys better known for beer and tampons in ice-cream tubs as surprising packaging becomes a sharper tool for marketers. .... Even...
...today is special. Today, 10/10, is World Mental Health Day and it falls during National Mental Illness Awareness Week. Every year since 1990 (the grunge & flannel era) a coalition of individuals, organizations,...
October 10th is World Mental Health Day, and we asked our team to reflect on two key elements of their roles at happy®: how does your work here at happy support your...
The happy fam just can’t get enough time together. Last week, team happy® trooped into Manhattan from the far reaches of Jersey, Long Island, and Brooklyn. Ricky, our happy RTD...