coffee makes me happy
happy makes my coffee

Fast Company Article: Why Robert Downey Jr and Craig Dubitsky are giving away part of their new coffee company.

Fast Company Article: Why Robert Downey Jr and Craig Dubitsky are giving away part of their new coffee company.

1 comment

Tina Bailey

Hello, this is my first time trying your coffee and I am so surprised to say that I love it! The reason why I say that is that I have been pretty loyal to one of the other popular brands for years (S.B) and I can tell you their coffee has fallen off drastically in terms of taste. I purchased your Happy coffee in the dark roast ( which is my favorite roast) and it is so good. The flavor is not only rich, but it is smooth as well. It tastes the way a coffee should taste. I plan to buy more in the near future and even stock up. Do you ever give out coupons for your coffee? I would love some of that is possible. If you ever need more feedback regarding your coffee, packaging or anything else please let me know. I would be happy to help. Thanks again for reminding me what coffee should taste like and not wanting to give up on drinking it.

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